History Repeating?

Four principle emotions are running rampant throughout the United States at present. Fear…self-preservation…anger…hatred. Also, an overwhelming distrust of western democracy due to corruption, the inability or unwillingness to face real issues, and a deep abiding suspicion that their government representatives are selling their nation out to globalist self serving power hungry banking cartels.
This situation is eeringly similar to what was taking place in Europe in the 1920s, and which blinded everyone to the dangers of totalitarianism in the rise of Hitler. Tremendously popular, promising future greatness, charismatic….it was Abraham Lincoln who wisely said, perhaps prophetically, “familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage and you prepare your own limbs to wear them. Accustomed to trample on the rights of others, you have lost the genius of your own independence and become fit subjects of the first cunning tyrant who rises among you.

From the ineffectiveness of liberal left wing governments are we about to see the other extreme in reaction? Is it possibleĀ  that both sides may have been successfully infiltrated by the same people who are fomenting unrest deliberately to accomplish a greater purpose? Think about it. Is the behaviour of the police normal? NO!! Is the behavior of the people normal? NO!! What if both sides have among them agents of oneĀ  who while professedly a friend to all but by division and creation of violence bring about a public reaction in favor of bringing this entity to power? Like Jesuits for example who would like nothing more than the formation of an extreme right-wing Protestant theocracy which would be under control of those self same Jesuits who have been infiltrating Protestant theological seminaries and universities for decades. Then through the current ecumenical movement (like the coming rally in Washington) hand over American democracy lock stock and barrel into the hands of Rome???

American Unrest

If anyone thinks that what is happening across communities in the US is normal and not worthy of attention, you are asleep and need a good kick. This kind of police action is far from normal, and the reaction from citizenry is far from normal. These events are being deliberately fomented to destroy constitutional democracy in America…and they are succeeding. And the goal? Inflame the people so far that they will be willing to cry out to anybody for relief. This may not take place tomorrow, but I know from whence that “relief” will come.
It will come from a Satanically devised and engineered Protestant theocracy, a mirror image to the Roman Catholic theocracy of the Middle Ages. America, as much as I admire and love you, your leaders are taking you down a path from which there is no return. Total complete national ruin. It’s coming. Religious liberty as you have enjoyed it for 200 years is soon to become an extinct species.

I believe this for two reasons. First and foremost, Bible prophecy…second, current observation and knowledge of the ambitions and goals of such as the Jesuits, of whom the current pope is one. The Protestant (extreme right wing) theocracy being now promoted will ultimately submit to papal authority, and coalesce into a global one world religion to which all other religions will gravitate. All socially orchestrated from Rome, with the ulimate goal of world domination from there.